TikTok and Instagram are probably the main drivers of that increase. Kids are seeing all of these other young beautiful people going to exotic places and having fun, but they
Thinking 'the most qualified person should get the job' is a meritocratic mindset and the right way to think. How could anyone think this is a microaggression? Merit
Irish patriots make it clear to fake asylum seekers that they are not welcome in Ireland and that they must return to their countries. Will they have understood it?…
A fake asylum seeker in Paris throws a scooter towards a car, attacks a defenseless woman on a bicycle and then runs away like a rat but is chased and
A Muslim attacks a British couple just because they eat pork. They also want to dictate to us what we should eat or drink.…
Fake North African asylum seekers in Barcelona rob an elderly Spanish woman and then run away like rats. We have a duty to protect our women from these criminals.…
"Help is here." Kamala Harris "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to